Monday, March 29, 2010

Koi, Japanese Tattoo Design Culture

Koi, Japanese Tattoo Design Culture

japanese tattoo, Koi, session 2

Koi, Japanese Tattoo Design Culture

japanese tattoo, Koi, session 2

Although, Today I could see how weak my lines still are! (Partly due to the rush last session as I wanted draw all the lines in one session, even tho, I only had a short time). But no excuses! Tattoo requires of you! No excuses! Only discipline, skills and concentration! Anyway, I know I’ll fix this, while doing the shading, then go over the lines I want to make stronger! Also, yoday/today, I was very honoured due to the visit of a special guest, who came to me, to show me his amazing traditional japanese Back piece! I also was the first foreigner he ever met and spoke to, so it was a really amazing experience for me to exchange and share true respect; and love for tradition and the japanese/human spirit. Tattoos can be very intimate and private in Japan! Thank you for the honour! It was a real gift from life, to welcome him, and see the tattoo alive on him! I can tell you that guy had a really strong and beautiful spirit! That is what I love about Japanese People! You can be strong, and very humble!
Heart to Heart! Never lost in translation!

I chose to treat this piece more like a painting, so I’ll keep my spontanity flowing! Today some black and some shading!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tattoos Gallery

Tattoos Gallery
Because getting a tattoo is such a major life decision - one that you can never truly take back - you need to make sure that you find the single tattoo that is going to make you happy for the rest of your life. Since the parlors themselves tend to limit the amount of designs the available, one of the best places to go is a tattoos gallery.

What is a Tattoos Gallery?

There are types of galleries available. There are galleries that display tattoos that people have already gotten - these are tattoos that are already on the bodies, with user photos and forums - and there are galleries that have tattoo designs that you can use for your next tattoo, completely printable galleries with over 10,000 different designs.

This type of tattoos gallery also comes in two types of its own. There are some that give you a huge library to search from, but you can only buy a single tattoo that costs you as much as 15 dollars. On the other hand, there are other galleries that, for 30 dollars or less, you can get access to 10,000 designs that you can choose from at any time in your life. Meaning, even if you find the single tattoo you want right away, if you decide you are going to get another tattoo later, you still have 9,999 tattoos to go without having to pay any extra money.

You may only need a tattoo once, but paying 15 dollars for a single tattoo is clearly not as valuable as being able to purchase access to 10,000 tattoos for just a few dollars more. And with that type of tattoos gallery, you can be completely sure that when you find the tattoo you are looking for, you are going to be satisfied with it.
Tattoos Gallery
Access to a Tattoos Gallery

Your search for your next tattoo should be something that you are continuing to do until the day that you decide to make your final purchase. By looking through extremely large galleries, especially galleries of tattoo designs themselves, rather than just tattoo showcases on people's bodies, your choice of the type of tattoo you will get is something that will not be rushed.

Tattoos For Women

As tattoos for women, especially in the back area, become more and more popular, is it true that women who have lower back tattoos, cannot have an epidural to assist with delivery of their babies, and what are the dangers associate with back tattoos if any?
Tattoos For Women
Once again this subject has hit the news, and just as in the past, has panicked many women who have a back tattoo and are pregnant.

There is actually very little information available since so few studies have been done. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are currently conducting some studies about the inks used in tattoos.

According to Mayo Clinic obstetrician and gynecologist Roger Harms, M.D., most pregnant women who have lower back tattoos, can receive epidural,s. except if the tattoo is fresh and covers a large area, in other words, the skin is still healing.There have been very few studies on tattoos for women in the back area in fact there have been very few studies about tattoos in general and there is little conclusive evidence showing an increased risk of infection.
Tattoos For Women
There are only three vertebrae where an epidural can be administered. They are L1, L2, and L3. This is also the area where back tattoos are positioned. Most anesthesiologists will give an epidural block to a pregnant woman with a lower back tattoo, and where possible will choose an area without a tattoo to inject the needle.

Does that mean that some doctors will still refuse to administer an epidural, sadly yes, if they believe that the practice may be detrimental or dangerous to the woman, then they can and will refuse to give an epidural, despite information to the contrary. Many medical practitioners will err on the cautious side rather than risk the health of the woman with the back tattoo.
Tattoos For Women
If you have a back tattoo then it is a good idea to discuss your options with your doctor before the birth of your baby, and if you are planning on getting a tattoo to celebrate the new arrival, why not consider waiting until after the birth, again, discuss it with your doctor.

Pub Med, the Mayo Clinic and BME concluded that there is no proof to substantiate the dangers of tattoos and epidural,s

If having a tattoo is something you really want to do but are worried about the risks to you and your baby then why not try henna, henna has been used by women in the middle east, especially Egypt for thousand and thousands of years, and is believed to bring good luck during pregnancy,and can last up to four weeks. If you do decide to go in this direction, be aware that you do not use black henna. Black henna is a very dangerous substance and should never be used, ever, so stay with the safe and gorgeous colored orange and brown hennas.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Scorpio Zodiac Tattoos

Scorpio Zodiac Tattoos
If your birth date falls between 23rd October and 21st November then according to the western astrology your sun sign is Scorpio. One of the common traits among the lots of scorpion is they like tattoos and will spend any amount of time as well as money to get their desired tattoo.

For scorpions the best tattoo design that matches their personality is the symbol of Scorpio itself. Out of twelve zodiac signs the most complex sign is of Scorpio. Most of zodiac sign has one symbol associated with them. Like Aries the ram, Sagittarius the archer etc. But Scorpio has more than one symbol. Scorpion, Phoenix and Eagle are the symbols of Scorpio sign

There are great scopes to design the scorpion tattoo as artists are not struck up with only one symbol. With three symbols there are lots of permutation and combination.
Scorpio Zodiac Tattoos
Finding the different types of scorpion designs is not difficult if you have access to internet. There are lots of free tattoo design sites that hosts many Scorpio tattoo designs. But I have found that the sketches in these free sites are mostly repeats. So, if you want something unique then the best approach if budget permit is to hire a good tattoo artist and tell him about your idea of scorpion tattoo.

From your ideas, tattoo artist will often come up with some fantastic design which is not only unique but looks quite amazing. If you are not satisfied with the first rough sketches of your artist then don't hesitate to tell him. Tell him what you like and what you don't in particular drawing. This way your artist will get the fairly good idea of what exactly you want. It is quite possible that you have to ask for 3-4 revisions before you get your desire scorpion tattoo.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lower Back Tattoo

Lower Back Tattoo
Finding Perfect Lower Back Tattoo Designs

Pictures of lower back tattoo designs can be easily found online. By simply typing "lower back tattoo designs" into your favorite search engine, you will find many examples of both free and for sale tattoo designs. There are also a wide range of types of lower back tattoos to be sure. Tribal tattoo designs are often used on the lower back. Other popular lower back designs include celtic, butterfly, flower, and dragon tattoos. A combination of any of the designs mentioned can also create a uniquely beautiful lower back tattoo. Any v-shaped tattoo design can make a beautiful presentation on your lower back.

Placement of Lower Back Tattoo Designs
Lower Back Tattoo
Tattoos placed in this anterior location are generally for someone else's benefit. Those fortunate enough to catch even a passing glimpse of your work of art. An offensive and derogatory term for a lower back tattoo is the "tramp stamp". Tattoos on the lower back often have symbolism and meaning to the owner. Sometimes tattoo designs in this area are for sensual purposes.

Usually found on the small of the back or the top of the buttocks, lower back tattoos can accentuate the hourglass shape of the female form. They are often hidden while at work in the office, then shown off after hours, nights, and weekends thanks to low-rise jeans, baby tees, and midriff baring shirts. Lower back tattoos draw attention to that area of the wearers body.

Lower Back Tattoo Designs Important Tips

When getting a lower back tattoo prepare to lay on your stomach for at least 1 hour. It is also required that you prepare a clean hairless surface for your tattoo artist to work with. Remember to dress appropriately to give your tattoo artist room to work on your lower back area. Afterwards wear loose waist pants for a few days to allow your new tattoo to heal properly and not disturb the art.

Please be aware that almost a quarter of people who get tattoos regret their decision after being inked. Take your time and think about what you are going to do. Find several pictures of what you want on your back before you go in to the tattoo shop. It can cost up to ten times what you paid for a tattoo to have one removed later.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ink Tattoos

Ink TattoosInk Tattoos
These days it seems like everyone and their brother or sister is getting a tattoo. The whole world of tattooing has exploded for sure! There are now hit TV series featuring tattoo shops and more and more people are getting tattoos then ever before. One of the things that has fueled this exception growth is the ink used in tattooing. Old school tattoos and not that far back in our tattoo history all tattoos were done with black ink. Black tattoos were the only way to go as there were no other color choices. However, new inks were invented about 10 years ago and have spawned a huge growth in tattoos since tattoos could now come in full color.

However, not every application of a tattoo design should be done in color just because it can be. There are some designs that work much better as black ink tattoos. Are you not sure if you should be getting a color tattoo or a black ink tattoo? This article will help give you some ideas of the most popular black tattoo designs and ones that lend themselves to this medium.
Ink Tattoos

Portraits of people can be very difficult tattoos to pull off. You for sure want to find a top notch artist that specializes in portrait tattoos. Typically these can come out much better as black ink tattoo designs. They carry the image of the person much better. If you do choose to get some color it is often advisable with portraits to limit the color of the design and do the bulk of the work in black if possible.


Another tattoo design that should pretty much always be done in black are trials designs. This makes the design stand out as bold and strong and it carries the line work much better then if you confuse the design with a ton of colors.

Old School

Another popular form of black designs are old school tats. These are the nautical stars, sailor Jerry designs. Think of Anchors, pirate ships, hearts with a banner and so forth. These can be done with color ink and that has been the whole impetus behind the west coat style tattooing. However, something about these original designs just looks better when kept in the black ink. It carries a more bold and strong message.

The Benefits

There are many benefits to getting a black ink tattoo design. They are typically less expensive then if you go with a full color design. They are quicker to get inked and therefore less painful in the end. They also make a more bold and strong statement by really standing out.

Foot Tattoos

Tattoos aren't for men alone. Today, girl's foot tattoo designs are also becoming more and more popular. The foot is definitely one of the most unique place where you can sport a tattoo. Just like any other tattoo though, getting a foot tattoo is a major decision. Here are some important points that you should know about foot tattoos.
Foot TattoosFoot Tattoos
The Benefits of a Foot Tattoo

People may have different reasons for getting a foot tattoo. You might still be unsure though about the advisability of getting a foot tattoo. Why would the foot be a great place for a tattoo? One major reason for this is that they aren't as common as lower back and arm tattoos for women. Although foot tattoos are gradually becoming popular, they are still comparatively uncommon. Getting a foot tattoo will make you feel more unique than other tattooed individuals.
Foot TattoosFoot Tattoos
Foot tattoos are also less obvious compared to tattoos on other areas. This is important for some people who want to keep their tattoos discreet. You may want for example to have a tattoo of something significant but do not want to flash it outright for the whole world to see. A foot tattoo would therefore be perfect. You can have a small design that you can show or hide at your own discretion.

Girl's Foot Tattoo Disadvantages

Some tattoo artists don't do foot tattoos. This is because there can be a couple of hitches to foot tattoos. This is also most likely why the foot isn't as popular as other tattoo sites. One major concern is that the ink on foot tattoos tends to spread, scatter or blur faster than those on other tattoos. You may have to get your tattoo re-inked more often than other tattoos.

Tattoos on the foot are also generally more painful. This is because of the foot's flesh being close to capillaries and bones. Unless you haven't noticed yet, most tattoos are located in areas with a lot of flesh. This minimizes the pain during the tattooing process. The pain of a foot tattoo can actually extend beyond the actual process. It shouldn't be a surprise to you if you feel some discomfort while using your feet.

You also have to consider about your recovery and activities after getting a tattoo on foot. It can make more than two weeks for a foot tattoo to heal. In this span of time, the tattoo has to be kept dry and clean. You also have to avoid getting your tattoo rubbed. This is very difficult to do with a foot tattoo. You may have to spend the entire time away from closed shoes.

Angel Wings Tattoos

Body Painting Gallery Tattoos

Tribals Scorpio Tattoos On Neck Men's

Tribals Scorpio Tattoos On Neck Men'sTribals Scorpio Tattoos On Neck Men's

Scorpio Tattoo Gallery On Foot

scorpio Tattoo Gallery On FootScorpio Tattoo Gallery On Foot

Design Scorpio Tattoo On Neck

Design Scorpio Tattoo On NeckDesign Scorpio Tattoo On Neck

Friday, March 19, 2010

Design Popular Tattoo 2010

Design Popular Tattoo 2010Do you love activity cards? You must have played at least. But ever absent through such an idea? How snappy this game tattoo looks! At the first sight you haw find it just to have a unique tattoo design. Don’t look at the game alone, there is something written with it, essay to get into the deep meaning. It reads- ‘It’s not the game your dealt in life, its how you play them‘ – that means life is like a gamble, play it to win it. Ups and downs are the exclusive truth of life. But subject to change. Thus go on playing, meliorate you know the trick, meliorate you’ll become out as the winner of situations. This card tattoo is an excellent visual representation of that great saying.
Design Popular Tattoo 2010Here is something rattling bizarre and scary. Thanks to the macabre tattoos inked every over his body, this ‘zombie boy’ is earning quite a good taste of tending for himself. With the inner organs patterned on his skin, a sudden looking makes digit feel as if he has been overturned inside out! The rib cages, spinal cords, tendons, and intestines are every tattooed to give a graphic notion of a living skeleton. What makes it more horrifying is the vivid portrayal of insects and spider webs within his system, which gives the full thing a somewhat raw look. The zombie pupil has hardly an progress left on his skin that hasn’t been inked upon. With brain cells highlighting his head, his eyes surrounded by black tattoo designs and the same goes for his jaws and neck, the effect is somewhat sinister. Hooded skulls however adorn his arms, connected with a few graveyard crosses. No wonder, every this makes him popular enough! Real zombies beware!
Design Popular Tattoo 2010As for whatever art, the substance is what matters most with tattoos. Tattoos are every about dedications; and that is here. As the tattoos are prefabricated for whatever perseverance and the pain gives pleasure; there has to be whatever purpose.

This is a very unequalled tattoo with the text expressing the feelings of the heart. With the water droplets in the body; this is rattling a chilled tattoo that module attain you feel hot. I rattling appreciate this simple idea of keeping ‘a example of heart’ in such a sexy position. The colouration of the body makes it countenance more spicy and attractive. You rattling have to wager it deep. With the bikini on; it is every instance suitable for the beaches. The representation of the foliage is very ideal to a amend carnival on the beach and thus suits this wonderful figure. This particular tattoo is very appropriate to be called a Summer Tattoo.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Chest Tattoos For Men

Chest Tattoos For Men
There are many popular types of chest tattoos that have seen a rise in popularity to be placed on the chest. Some of these tattoos include the names of the children, a family crest, or traditional Mens tattoos such as eagles, jaguars and other types of animals which have been popular in the past. Men are able to customize these tattoos.

Half Sleeve Lion Tattoo

Half Sleeve Lion Tattoo
Half Sleeve Lion Tattoo

Chinese and Japanese Tribal Dragon Tattoos

Chinese and Japanese Tribal Dragon Tattoos

Dragon tattoos are one of the most popular designs all over the world. It can go in any category, whether abstraction, naturalistic, dedication, stylized or combination tattoos.

Throughout history, dragon tattoos have never been out of fashion and had been used as a symbol in some parts of the world. It can be drawn as menacing or regal depending on your choice of design.

Dragon tattoos come in two popular forms: the Chinese or Japanese dragon of the east with its long, snake-like body and the European dragon of the west with its powerful wings and long neck. The European dragon usually symbolizes power and fear, a depiction of evil where as the Chinese dragon usually symbolizes unity and conformity, a depiction of good.

You can find many different designs of dragon tattoos in different forms and colors. Some of these dragon designs have additional background scenery where they are depicted flying in the clouds, swimming in the ocean, crawling on top of mountains or ravaging small villages. But the most common depiction of a dragon is being done as tribal dragon tattoos due to both its simplicity (the majority color being in either black or gray with the additional color to highlight the dragon) and its complexity.

butterfly with small dragon tattoo

butterfly with small dragon tattoo
butterfly with small dragon tattoo

butterfly tribal on left side of face

butterfly tribal on left side of face

Front of tribal with butterfly tattoo

Front of tribal with butterfly tattoo
Front of tribal with butterfly tattoo

Tribal Capricorn Tattoos

Tribal capricorn tattoos
Tribal capricorn tattoos on back

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture

Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 1Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 1

Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 2Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 2

Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 3Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 3

Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 4Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 4

Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 5Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 5

Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 6Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 6

Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 7Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 7

Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 8Female Celebrity Hair Style With Black Short Hair Cut With Image Rihanna's Short Hairstyle Gallery Picture 8